The Museum of Ventura County, through its collections, exhibits, educational programs and publications, celebrates the history, art, and culture of Ventura County and the Channel Islands. The Museum of Ventura County first opened in 1913. Its collections of artifacts and curios were the legacy of Dr. Cephas Bard, a Pennsylvania doctor who came to Ventura after the Civil War. A compassionate man with wide-ranging interests, Dr. Bard accepted historical objects in lieu of cash payment for his services. Priceless Chumash, Spanish and Mexican-American objects from his collection are on display in the galleries today. In 1977, the Museum moved to its 15,000 square foot building on Ventura’s Main Street, near historic Mission San Buenaventura. In July 2010, the museum opened the Martin V. and Martha K. Smith Pavilion. In September of 2011, the new Museum of Ventura County Agriculture Museum opened to the public in nearby Santa Paula. With permanent and changing exhibitions, programs and events, the Agriculture Museum celebrates the long and innovative agricultural history of our region.